Friday, January 23, 2009

2009 eh

Well a new year(and 3 weeks) and a new blog post. So far this year i've been primarily watching movies and working, however last monday i started back in college and now i have to watch less movies. Work is unaffected.
Anyway the movies i got through in the last few weeks were(in no order)....

Manhattan Murder Mystery & Hannah & Her Sisters - Woody Allen films are rarely bad IMO, and these two were great. Funny and intriguing in equal parts.

Grosse Point Blank, Better Off Dead & War Inc - John Cusack films are another genre(maybe?) that I have a soft spot for, High fidelity is one of my favourite films ever. GPB s rivalling it for favourite john cusack film. Better off dead is an 80's classic and War, Inc is only really for more hardcore fans as it doesn't really jump out at you.

Star Wars:Original Trilogy - Classic sci-Fi, watched back to back in one sitting(i've become a real nerd now).

Cannonball Run, Gumball Rally & Smokey & The Bandit - Road movies, a guilty pleasure, comedy sub-genre, I like them alot and have lined up the sequels for a quite night in the future.


Anonymous said...

"Things are tough all over" - "Nice Dreams" - etc. Films by Cheech and Chong. Required viewing. Look them up on the intreonet, rilly good shit. Maaaan.....

TheDecline said...

I've never seen any Cheech and Chong stuff, apart from the odd bit here and there, I'll have a look around for them.