Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas is coming..

..and I'm in the middle of my exams. And I'm so sick of studying that I'm blogging again.
Well what an unblogged semester it has been, my first post in 3 months isn't really going to make up for it.

Since then ive discovered some interesting blogs that i read regulary.

Strange Maps - about the wonderful world of cartography for the hell of it, rare looks at the world from different perspectives. I thourghly recommend it if you have even the slightest interest in geography or any such subject.

Passive Aggressive Notes - The angry or approaching angry notes that people leave. Sometimes hilarious, sometimes tragic but altogether a good read, because we've all been there and we've all lived with note leavers in our time.

Fail Blog - Revel in the failure and stupidity of others. Part of the umbrella of internet phenomona started by LOLcats.

I reaslise this post has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas, its just a distraction for myself really.

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