Monday, February 18, 2008

Weekend Update

Another weekend well spent, working hard selling toys(like a captialist elf) and watching various forms of programming, as well as learning various forms of programming(the joyous life of a nerd).

Films Watched: Control (great, hard to go to sleep after watching it though), Mystic pizza (made me want pizza, fortunately i was not alone & dominoes was still delivering)

Tv showsWatched: Arrested Development, all of Series 3(a well spent 4 & 1/2 hours), Peep Show, 2/3's of series 3 (Makes me want to have a few people sectioned), disturbing documentary about a beauty pageant for 5-6 year old girls(Americas main contribution to society, expliotation), top 40 teen stars(g'wan the Molly Ringwald & the Coreys, also Anthony Michael Hall Looks hilarious now)

Films Downloaded: Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Say Anything, Singles (see the above mentioned teen star show)

Overrall productivity rating: Low to Medium (i did go to work and earn some money, and i did spend a few hours learn php & mysql)

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